Minor Pentatonic Exercise #1

This is an exercise over the minor pentatonic scale that will help solidify your finger patterns and introduce technique into your jazz improvisation. Use this over a blues - works for major or minor blues. Check out Curtis Fuller’s “Blue Lawson” solo as an example of using minor pentatonic over the blues. The tune Sonnymoon for Two by Sonny Rollins was also written as a descending minor pentatonic scale. Also check out Andy Martin’s solo on Blue Monk for another example of the use of Minor Pentatonic in soloing over the blues.

You can use the minor pentatonic scale over any minor chord. If you play minor pentatonic over a minor tune, such as Autumn Leaves, it will immediately give your solo a “bluesy” feeling, so be deliberate about it, if that is what you are looking for.


Minor Vocab #1


Blue Monk Bass Line (simple changes)