Major Scale Workout in 12 Keys

I took the time to write out the major scale workout, and it is a great resource for learning theory by doing! My advice is to play through one key center per week, and in a semester you will be able to play the entire thing. I warm up with this exercise with sixteenth notes at 110 BPM and can get through 144 scales in 6 minutes this way. It is a nice workout! Start out with eighth notes at 80 BPM and work up to 160 BPM. Then switch to sixteenth notes at 80 BPM and work up to 110 BPM. The key when doing these scales is to always be listening to yourself, hold yourself accountable for playing each note in tune, and play smooth and connected legato style.


Air Flow Warmup


Minor Pentatonic Scale in 12 Keys - 1 Octave