Minor Pentatonic Scale in 12 Keys - 1 Octave

Minor Pentatonic scales get under valued in jazz. When in fact, if you listen and analyze jazz solo transcriptions, they are the foundation of a lot of improvisation, especially within the blues. The blues scale is essentially the minor pentatonic with a sharp 11 added. The pentatonic scales are used throughout the world and are popular as frameworks for improvisation because they do not incorporate the tri-tone, therefore, the entire scale is consonant.

Check out this solo by Curtis Fuller, on his tune Blue Lawson, which is almost all minor pentatonic over a Bb minor blues. The tune Sonnymoon for Two is also a minor pentatonic scale.

Download a PDF of the Minor Pentatonic Scale in 12 keys for 1 octave below.


Major Scale Workout in 12 Keys


How to Play Sonnymoon For Two